Wednesday, November 2, 2016

American Soldier

A. The girl in Iraq shows the most powerful image because it shows what its like in Iraq and how things are over there.

B. The images show what he's been through and they show the hard times and the struggles of being in the army. It also showed the good times and he still got to see his family and friends.

C. The captions give a backstory and tell the true meaning of the photo and  bring the photo alive a bit more.

D. Ian was a high school graduate who joined the army because he wanted too help the country. He joined right as violence in Iraq was getting bad and would later be deployed to Iraq in 2008. He enjoyed time with friends and family before leaving and was sad to go but excited to do something great for the country. He experienced intense training and thought he wasn't going to make it through but he made it through even though he suffered from an old injury that returned. Fisher went up some ranks and was very happy to participate in training exercises that were just like the real thing. Ian suffered drug use and eventually turned himself in, not getting kicked out but pushed down a rank. He went to Iraq for a year and came back to his girlfriend and family, then soon married his girlfriend and was very happy.

E. It is usually in present tense.

F. 1. The sentences on average o=are 2 sentences.
2. They tell what is going on in the picture.
3. Who people are and what is going to happen next or before.
4. Quotes from people in the image about what is going on in the image.
5. Some captions do include quotes.
6. Yes some do have 4 sentences.

G. I think you can tell a story through captions because the image os there and seeing the image along  with a few sentences can really tell a great story.

H. Sometimes a story is great to read and create your own visuals in your mind.

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